Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

SMA Candipuro

Toni X-3

I was in your womb for nine months
It was difficult for you to sleep and walk
Everyday you were hurting

After I was born
You always gave me your prayers
And now you leave me
Now I live alone

Nur Zaini X-3

Indonesia is my country
Many kinds of tribes, cultures, and race
From Sabang to Merauke
Rows of islands.

This is my world.
Indonesia Raya
One that is always peaceful
Greeting one’s heart. 

Desi X-1

The first time I met you
I saw something that was different
Something in your eyes.

You make me forget everything
Your purpose is to live with me. 
Your heart is always content
But my heart is empty without you.

M. Joko X-3

What do you know?
The moment we first met
My heart was yours
Is that different?

From the moment I looked at you
When I look into your eyes
I am flying but don’t know where to
Your face is like a beautiful angel
An angel from the city. 

Afni Dewi X-3

When I look at the sky
I feel happiness
Because in the sky I see your face.

It’s never boring looking at you in the sky
Because I always have you in my small heart
When will you greet me?

I miss you in the night.
I will always be waiting…
Waiting for you forever.

            I will always hope
            And always pray to my God
            You will be the last in my life. 

Eka Dwi Cahyawati X-1

Beautiful Smile

I look at your handsome face
When you walk near me
When you smile at me
My heart feels very happy

            I am very interested in your face
            And I like you
            I also like your smile
            And you are very handsome

You are in my dreams
You are the best in my heart
And you are my love
I will remember you forever
And you won’t forget me. 

1 komentar:

  1. Bravo! Cool! Poetry is such a great way to express emotion and the students at SMA Candi are really good at doing that. I'm very impressed. Don't stop writing.
